A while ago, we wrote about Kim Kardashian's horrifying ordeal as she was held at gunpoint and robbed in a luxury Parisian hotel.
Updates revealed new details about the case, and 17 suspects have been arrested to date. French Police said that DNA led to the arrests, after traces were found on the ropes used to tie up the celebrity, and the diamond necklace that was dropped by the gang during their escape.
It's not all good news, though. Multiple news outlets claim Kim and Kanye were on the brink of divorce due to the stress of the robbery and subsequent media fallout.
Kim had been laying low on social media after that, and for good reason. It is thought that the Instagram and Snapchat updates of her $4M ring spurred the robbery.
She since revealed that she will be reviewing the way she presents herself and family online; including the clothes they wear and the holiday locations they reveal.
Aside from Kim's woes, there are still many questions about the poor security measures that failed to prevent the robbery in the first place.
In this instance, Kim was alone in a hotel room and completely reliant on the security supplied by the establishment and her personal body guard. Both of which were missing at the time of the crime...
Although most hotels have sufficient security measures, such as CCTV systems, access control and smoke detectors, the front entrance and reception area is often not covered by an intruder alarm.
This is due to the amount of guests that come and go at all hours of the day and night.
But, what if this happened in Kim's Bel Air mansion?
Zonal intruder systems still allow for alarm monitoring. So Kim could have activated the alarm on the ground floor of her home while being able to roam upstairs freely.
When the burglars forced their way in over the gates and through the front door, the sensors would have been tripped and the alarm monitoring centre would have been alerted.
And, if she had used the US equivalent of an NSI Gold or SSAIB alarm installer, the alarm monitoring centre would have been able to contact the police...
If this were the case, Kim's terrifying situation would have unfolded very differently.
Together we can beat the burglars. All you need to do is ensure that your home is properly safeguarded. Kim Kardashian wasn't so lucky - she and her family learned the hard way. Click here or tap the image below to find out how safe YOUR home is!
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