Blake Fire and Security Systems

Fire Extinguishers - provide the correct level of protection for your staff

Stop worrying about regulations, maintenance and finding the right extinguisher...

Blake's provide a bespoke fire extinguisher solution. Supplied and installed by qualified experts to perfectly fit your premises and budget

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    Fire Extinguishers - Installation & Maintenance

    It’s a legal requirement for all businesses to provide sufficient Fire Extinguishers to satisfy their Fire Risk Assessment. Employers must offer staff a way to fight small fires, in addition to a regular fire detection and warning system.

    You can also fall foul of the Law if you don’t have the correct type of extinguisher for your circumstances or if the right equipment is not maintained properly.

    Failure to comply has serious consequences and, in the worst circumstances, leads to large fines, imprisonment and failure of the insurance company to pay for damage. You need to bring in the experts!

     The best thing to do is to employ a BAFE and NSI Gold approved company like Southend-based Blake Fire & Security Systems to:
    • Organise your Risk Assessment so you provide the correct level of protection for your staff
    • Survey your premises to fully mitigate the fire risks highlighted
    • Maintain your fire extinguishers to ensure they perform in time of need
    We can supply, install and service AFF Foam, ABC Powder, Water, CO2, Wet Chemical Extinguishers and Fire Blankets.
    Wethersfield C of E Primary School
    "What a credit your engineers are to your company, whether fire extinguishers, light or alarms. I never have any issues with invoices, booking in visits, early or late, your engineers do not spend all their time with us on their phones, they usually don’t even have a coffee - although we do ask. They bring all the equipment they need for the job, are smart and clean."
    Marian Brown, Office Manager
    Wethersfield C of E Primary School, Near Braintree, Essex

    Audited & Approved

    ...compliant AND in safe hands with Blake's
    BAFE Registered OrganisationFIAUKAS Q Mark FDI FDM FSI Colour black UKAS
    Show me ALL your accreditations

    Dedication to Accreditation... qualified and trustworthy

    Martin Blake Fire Safety Systems Manager
    Martin Blake
    Fire & Life Systems Safety Manager

    Fire Protection Certification in a nutshell

    Blake Fire and Security Systems are fully qualified to provide a professional service ensuring your business is not caught out by FSO regulations. In relation to Fire Extinguishers, we have NSI Fire Gold Scheme approval. This covers the supply, positioning, commissioning and maintenance of portable extinguishers: SP101/ST104.

    In addition, NSI Gold approval means that we are audited beyond BAFE competency standards and tests for quality management, so you, the client, get:
    • Reliable, polite, qualified staff, both customer facing and on the phone
    • The highest quality, reliable extinguishers
    • A bespoke extinguisher solution supplied and installed by qualified experts to perfectly fit your needs and budget
    BAFE make the rules, NSI make sure we comply with them!

    Which type of Fire Extinguisher do I need for my business?

    which type of Fire Extinguishers
    Which type and how many depends on your Fire Risk Assessment and your business itself.

    For instance, the versatility of a powder extinguisher – solids, flammable liquids and gases, electrical fires – makes it a popular choice. But, if your business involves catering or clothing, watch out, it leaves an almighty mess. So CO2 might be a better choice in combination with a water or foam extinguisher.

    Essentially you need two things to be sure you make the right choice:
    • A professional risk assessment
    • An expert from Blake Fire and Security Systems to help you work out and install the best solution for your specific requirements
    Click on the red button below and Blake's will help you to make the right decisions.
    Need more information? Click here to get advice from qualified experts who have that personal touch
    Fire Extinguishers

    What are Fire Extinguisher ratings and why should I care?

    The various types of extinguisher are rated on the types and size of fires they can effectively extinguish. The letter indicates the class of fire while the number denotes the size of fire it can extinguish in test conditions.

    Obviously, the exact rating required depends on the specifics of your business. The experts at Blake Fire & Security Systems are fully qualified to NSI and BAFE standards and will ensure you choose the correctly rated extinguisher for your business. Get it wrong and you could be neglecting your duty of care to your employees.

    How do I keep my extinguishers in good working order? Do they need to be tested or serviced?

    Yes. Just like a car you need to keep your firefighting equipment in good working order. This requires a visual inspection each month to check for damage and a professional service to the current British Standard each year.

    In addition, extinguishers need to be replaced every five to ten years as appropriate. Of course, if they have been used, they need to be replaced as soon as possible.

    We can service all types of extinguisher, including Chubb - even if we did not originally carry out the installation.

    Blake Fire & Security Systems are BAFE and NSI Gold approved to carry out your annual extinguisher service – give us a call on 01702 447800.
    fire extinguisher signs

    Do I have to get my extinguisher mounted? Can’t I just put it in the corner, on the floor?

    All extinguishers need to be fixed in a permanent location. Leaving it in the corner, on the floor is not an option. Those with contents of 3kg/litres (also 2kg CO2) must be wall mounted, if possible. In certain cases, wall mounting can be difficult, in which case stands can be used.

    How many do I need?

    Refer to your Fire Risk Assessment. It depends on the size of your premises and whether you are a low or high risk business. A rule of thumb for low risk businesses, ensure all employees are within 30m of a functional fire extinguisher. This is general advice and there are exceptions where extinguishers need to be within 10m of the fire risk.

    It’s common sense, your employees need to get hold of one quickly, so your extinguishers need to be close to all areas where members of staff are likely to be. Also, you need to ensure all employees know where they are located.

    What about signs for the extinguishers, are they really necessary?

    Yes they are. If a fire breaks out there, is likely to be a certain amount of panic. It’s part of your duty of care to ensure this panic is kept to a minimum. Under stress, people can forget where they are located, it has to be absolutely obvious where your extinguishers are. Signs help with this and are critical! Emergency Lighting ensures that everything can be seen at night or if the power fails.

    Blake Fire & Security Systems' experts will ensure your extinguishers are correctly sited and offer the best possible protection in case of fire.

    Why choose Blake's?

    Martin Blake Fire Door and Fire Stopping Specialist Southend
    Martin Blake
    Fire & Life Systems Safety Manager

    In a word… compliance!

    Blake Fire & Security Systems are fully approved to supply, site, commission and maintain portable Fire Extinguishers for your business – BAFE and NSI Gold. Our long and successful track record of delighted commercial clients, across numerous industries in all kinds of buildings in Essex, London and across the South-East speaks for itself.

    Our Company is big enough to do the job properly - we are qualified to provide Fire Alarms, Emergency Lighting and Fire Doors as well - yet small enough to provide a personal touch. We don’t use a call centre, you can speak directly to one of our professional experts.

    You can relax, safe in the knowledge that you will get the highest quality service that complies completely with the FSO regulations. Compliance can be difficult to understand but Blake will walk you through it all, one step at a time.

    Dedication to Accreditation

    Why you should choose Blake Fire & Security to design, install and maintain your Fire and/or Security system, including Fire Doors.
    Long track record - our family-run firm has been installing fire and security protection across four decades. We're not going anywhere. Your guarantee will be honoured!
    Dedication to Accreditation - if we're not qualified to provide a service we won't offer it to you! Simple.
    Experience & Expertise - we're professional and fully qualified so you get the Fire and/or Security system that is perfect for your specific circumstances.
    Who is in your home or premises? - your engineer is always trustworthy, polite and fully qualified,. We have regular checks to ensure this.
    Quality workmanship and service - we're passionate about your Fire and/or Security system, our standard of work and the way we deliver it to you.
    Blake Fire & Security Systems have BAFE, NSI Gold, SSAIB and BM Trada approval! This means you get:
    Bespoke systems - designed to perfectly fit your family's requirements or the needs of your business.
    Highest quality systems and equipment - we only use the best quality, industry-approved equipment to provide Fire and/or Security protection that lasts and looks good.
    Police and Insurance recognition - our work is guaranteed to be of the highest standard and both Police and Insurance companies acknowledge this.
    Regular and reliable monitoring and maintenance - ensure your Fire and/or Security protection is working in your time of need AND someone is always watching over your home or business!

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      Domestic and commercial clients trust Blake's dedication to accreditation. We always meet or exceed the latest quality standards.
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