A CCTV system is critical if you want to deter burglars from targeting your home and keep your family safe. A convicted robber even admitted that CCTV systems put them off in this article!
Yet many homeowners still aren't taking actions to beat the burglars. Absorb the warning in the following cautionary tale about a family who didn't take home security seriously...
You return home with your husband and children to discover a window inside your home has been smashed. Instantly you know you've been burgled.
The horrible cramping in your stomach starts to intensify as you look down and notice a trail of muddy footprints left by the criminal who ransacked your home.
That's the moment the fear truly sets in. What if the intruder is still inside?
While your husband calls the Police, you take the kids down the road to wait and think of something to say to settle the little ones in the mean time.
When they arrive, the Police search the house and confirm the intruder is long gone, along with your valuables. But he didn't just leave his muddy footprints behind. The children are terrified and you don't feel safe in your home.
You think the worst is over...until you enter your children's rooms.
The furniture is all over the place and you're greeted yet again by muddy footprints.
Your baby will never remember this ordeal, but your oldest child certainly will. It's bad enough that their room is ruined, but the footprint trail acts as a lasting reminder that the house isn't safe.
What's worse is that you know the intruder is still out there, with a perfect blueprint of your home in his mind. With inside knowledge of your house and its vulnerabilities, there's every chance he could strike again!
You decide to get the professionals involved to fit a HD home CCTV system. They analyse the layout of your home and make note of every detail. With their expertise, you know your home is secure.
A few weeks after the installation, the neighbourhood burglar approaches your home before stopping abruptly in his tracks. He's spotted your CCTV system. Your house is too risky to target and so he moves on.
The CCTV system acts as a deterrent to dissuade criminals from targeting your home in the first place. And, if a brave burglar does try his luck, it will be caught on camera and readily available to show the Police!
Scenario 2 eliminates the trauma and resolves the security issue before your home is under attack.
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