The 2019 Essex Business Crime Survey closes on the 22nd of September. That's not long to get your view counted!
Anyone wishing to help Police shape the way business crime is tackled in Essex should click this link.
Introducing the survey, Chief Inspector Terry Balding, said:
“We are currently developing a team whose focus will be on crime affecting business and the impact it has on the wider community. The Business Crime Team will work with our partners, local business and our well established local policing teams. The information gathered by the survey will help to guide this development.”
As well as supporting the development of the business crime strategy, the survey results will also feed into the work of the Strategic Business Crime Board.
This business led board, chaired by the Chamber of Commerce, was established in July 2018 to help develop a closer working relationship between the business community and Essex Police.
The board’s membership is drawn from businesses from different sectors and locations across Essex.
Denise Rossiter, Essex Chamber of Commerce Chief Executive, said
“Working together we know that businesses and the police can cut business crime by putting in place simple prevention measures and building awareness within the business community.
"Our members are playing their part in supporting our emergency services, helping their staff volunteer as Special Constables [or on-call firefighters] and investing thousands of pounds in security. We want to know what more we can do together to support businesses and tackle crime, so I would urge all businesses to complete this survey and have their say.”
Once complete, the results of the survey will be published on the PFCC’s website at
Business crime accounts for between 17% and 20% of all recorded crime in Essex with approximately 24,000 crimes recorded annually.
The largest proportion of these are retail crimes, mostly shoplifting, which is 40% of all business crime. Other significant types of crime against businesses include:
There's no such thing as victimless. When you're working hard to build your business even a petty theft hurts! So it makes sense to join up with Police and fellow owners against the criminals.
Pooling knowledge and ideas to lower the rate of crime against businesses also aids the wider community. Local people feel better as areas become safer and nicer to live, work and shop in.
And that's good for business!
Here at Blake's we know that CCTV is the best deterrent. Not least because criminals have said it themselves!
We also know it brings a lot of questions for business owners that need to get it right. So we put it all together in this e-book for you to get the answers you need - fast!