What we call Bonfire Night, criminals call a bonus. What can you do to keep your home safe and secure while you enjoy time with your little sparklers? Here are 5 quick tips!
Remember, remember the 5th of November. Guy Fawkes was caught trying to blow up the Houses of Parliament in 1605. This was celebrated with public bonfires. These days we add fireworks and food to the party!
But what we call Bonfire Night, criminals call a bonus. The nights are drawing in earlier. More time for them to lurk in the darkness!
We know organised firework displays are the safest way to enjoy the festivities. And robbers know that a lot of couples and families will be there - and when.
All those empty houses are easy targets for a man with a plot!
Read our 5 Firework Night Home Security tips so your evening doesn't go BANG for the wrong reasons!
Draw all the blinds and curtains when you leave the house. Don't let burglar's eyes light up the same way OURS do when the pretty colours light the sky!
Move valuables out of sight to anyone peering through the letterbox too!
A house in darkness is a welcome sign to a thief. They can scout around to find weak areas knowing they won't be seen. Once they're in, they have free rein to find and take whatever they feel like.
Leave a light on so they cross your home off their hit-list. Even better, put a couple of timers on so it looks like someone is moving around the house!
Some burglars will still check out homes with lights on, so you need to make it more convincing. Having a TV or radio on brings life to an empty house.
Talk radio stations sound just like family conversation in a kitchen. TV adverts may be annoying but they do a good job of fooling bad guys into thinking that you're home!
Make sure every door and window is locked - properly! Teach everyone how to lift, lock and remove the key from uPVC doors.
Have a routine of checking upstairs windows as well as down. Thieves can use the smallest gap to gain entry to your home!
By far the best, and most important tip is to get a good quality security system fitted by the professionals. Burglars hate them and will steer clear.
Professional, certified installers (like Blake's) have the expertise to put sensors and cameras in the optimum position to protect your property. Whether you're home or not, you have peace of mind that your little sparklers are safe.
And with Smart Alarm Systems, you can keep a watchful eye on your home from your mobile phone!!
Do you know where the weak spots in your home security are? Burglars do!
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